Terminal: Tiered Competitions

So … whats next ?

Everyone makes some progress, but only a first place win can move someone up a tier in one competition. You are currently the only gold player.

Im going to add a table with everyones final placements soon™

Everyone gets a single, specific placement at the end of the competitions, and gains or loses points relative to their position. First place is automatically promoted, but it may take a few competitions before other players change tiers. Consistently placing in the top 40% or so should result in a promotion fairly soon™

Im going to split the table into multiple tables soon™ with headings like ‘Bracket X: losers from bracket Y round Z’ to make the results a lot more readable.

We are going to keep putting out these weekly competitions, streaming them occasionally. We will be adjusting the formulas and user experience related to them over time. We are considering a structure that could allow people to earn entry into the season finale through performance in tiered competitions (In addition to the top players).

The feature is still being worked on a lot, but there will be prizes for the highest performing players in ranked competitions

Thanks for your questions, keep them coming if you have more!

Would being in the last few places (or especially, not participating) eventually cause demotion to the previous tier? Seems like a typical mechanic for this sort of system but I couldn’t find it confirmed

Players above Bronze 50 will soon™ lose a small number of points when competitions are run if they did not participate that week.

We are also planning on setting it up so that players are automatically enrolled into competitions after they participate in their first rank tiered competition of the season, to avoid any potential gaming of the decay system.

So since I won bronze am I promoted?

You should be able to Join Silver 2 tournament

It is telling me to go to bronze

Ill look into it and let you know whats going on

When the last round of the competition completes, competition completion was resolving before placements were readjusted for the final time. You were rewarded as if you were 2nd place, and Alex M was given the award for 1st place. I manually re-adjusted your standings, and those of your teammate, to be correctly silver. I did not re-adjust Alex’s score.

The silver competition was unaffected by this issue as KauffK was already the 1st seed.

A patch for this is complete and will be released before next week’s competitions are run.

Is it possible to submit algos for the specific competition, and get priority matchmaking vs the other players in that competition ?

Currently when you submit a new algo it may take up to sever hours before you get a “useful” match vs the players you are competing.

With the current Tier system it is more important to optimize your strategy for the current Tier group, as your result at the end will be determined by several direct matches, not overall global rating.

I really appreciate the Tiers change, but in my opinion, current matchmaking does not support it very well.


I tend to agree with this, and it was actually really good for one-on-one match development until recently when they slowed down match rates

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We want algos to continue to play globally to maintain the leaderboard and the ecosystem around it.

The number of ranked games played has been increased by ~55% as of now.


Match rates feel pretty good now. I’ve had ~40 matches in the first hour today which is usually enough to run into all 6 versions belonging to opponents with matchups I need to study for one-on-one results.

Slightly confused about something I’ve just realized… how did Team: Dragons Maze get into Gold tier this week? Based on the past two Silver competition results it seems like there are several others (e.g. paprikadobi) that should have been Gold before them, and who would be more evenly paired against the other 3 contenders in Gold this week.

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Ill look over things.

There was an issue where points were not being distributed correctly for teams, and where a team could invite members who are already joined in different competitions to enter competitions they should not be eligible for. I will be releasing a hotfixing and then running the week 3 competition later today. I am going to let dragons maze fall out of gold naturally.

The patch will be in tomorrow morning, allowing us to run the competition and start the next weeks competitions. Thanks for letting us know about this issue.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence lol :blush:

Sorry! Hopefully you guys are able to do well in gold! I just meant to say that I wouldn’t be manually adjusting the ranks/ratings/competition entries

No worries. Still need to make a new algo so probably not going to be in gold for long