Powershell Error 232 'The pipe is being closed'

Hi all,

Iā€™m trying to run the starter-algo locally using PowerShell as admin, but I am getting an error 232. Any ideas on how to proceed? Thanks!

D:\Documents\Drive\Personal\_TERMINAL\C1GamesStarterKit-master> .\scripts\test_algo_windows.exe .\python-algo\algo_strategy.py
Running algo at: ".\\python-algo\\algo_strategy.py"
Using replay: "D:\\Documents\\Drive\\Personal\\_TERMINAL\\C1GamesStarterKit-master\\scripts\\test_replay.replay"
Running command: ".\\python-algo\\algo_strategy.py\\run.ps1"
Error: Os { code: 232, kind: BrokenPipe, message: "The pipe is being closed." }

Do you have the latest version of the GameEngine.jar and test_algo_windows.exe ?
There was bug previously, that local replays have few empty lines in the begining, that does not work well with the test.exe.

Try replacing this files, and may be download a replay from the playground and try with that one

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Thanks for your reply.

It turns out that I was using the wrong target for test_algo_windows. I was using the .py as target instead of the algo folder!? duh!.


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