Advanced leaderboard and better overview over matches played

Thanks @acshikh. I will add these keyboard controls soon.

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Also, another really small thing, but I would rather it start paused than already playing! (or it could be a setting or something)

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Great suggestion

I added following keyboard controls to the match tab:

  • left and right for single frames
  • ctrl+left ctrl+right for whole turns
  • space bar for pause and resume
  • up and down for faster and slower playback

Next features that are coming soon:

  • Match viewer will show removals and upgrades
  • A fix for the visual bug, that occurs when two information units move close after each other and the later one is invisible
  • Responsiveness generally but especially for mobile devices

Big Match-Viewer Upgrade

All of the promised upgrades to the older version of the match viewer are done now:
You can get to the new version using this link:<matchID>

This version does not only look better, the performance is also better.
The gameboard resizes automatically to fit your screen size, which allows for watching two or more replays side by side and watching replays from mobile devices properly.

I also changed the links to matches from the Player tab to link to this new match viewer.

This version has also a button to flip the replay. (There are plans to add automatic flipping by settings in the future)

But this viewer is still not finished and there are lots of things in my mind that I want to add around it.
The following Items are ideas from myself of thing I would like to add in the future:

More Links to this viewer

  • Maybe a site, that gives a good overview over recent matches from any given player
  • Or a site, that automatically shows and selects recent matches from top players/algos

Settings in general

  • for things like optional autoplay, automatic flipping to certain player(s)

Improving the match viewer itself

  • adding a way to show how much damaged firewalls have (don’t know how yet)
  • adding more information to it, like cores_on_board, time_took_last_turn or current rating of both algos
  • adding slider to select any point in time during the replay to show
  • adding buttons/slider to change playback speed (currently only possible with the keyboard keys UP and DOWN)
  • adding visual information to show which shortcuts there are to do the same actions that the buttons provide
  • making buttons bigger for mobile devices

Reworking things of the previous website

  • like the advanced leaderboard and the player tab

I have not decided yet which things I will do next. Feel free to suggest other things aswell and tell me which features are the most important to you.

If you want to create any form of visualisation of terminal matches (like e.g. the terminal-competition-viewer from @IWannaWin or the Terminal-Tracker from @bcverdict) feel free to link matches also to this match viewer.


Looks great but uhhh, could you put back the option to view it in Terminal? They are still some features there that I would like.

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Done, readded the button to watch on terminal.

Could you please clarify which feature you would like?

Just generally more info: range of objects, unit health, hitmap (mostly this one).


This is looking fantastic!

And especially, I would love a link to download the replay directly!
Also, a funny quirk, if the play button has focus, then the space bar will both trigger it through focus as a click as well as directly through the keyboard interface, causing an immediate play-and-pause, doing nothing!

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@acshikh Thanks, the play button fucus thing should be fixed now.

The link for downloading the replay should come soon aswell. I was thinking about a different naming convention for the downloaded file then the current time (as the original does). I thought it might be better to put the replayID in it or even algo names. What do you think?

I added now a circular damage indicator for firewalls (I assumed that’s what you meant with ‘unit health’).
Visually showing the range of objects (on hover) will probably come soon as well.

Regarding the hitmap, I am not planning on recreating it right now.

Thanks for your feedback!

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This is brilliant! Honestly, I don’t really use the hitmap either, but I would like to see range, coordinates, and stability on mouse-over!

Regarding the file names, I think something like algo1_algo2_replaynum.replay would be a good naming scheme!

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New Features added to the Match Viewer:

  • Visualizes Range on hover
  • Displays Health (Stability of unit) on hover (including information units)
  • Visual indicator for encryption
  • Added titles to buttons that also contain the shortcut kombination to trigger it
  • Added download file button (with better naming scheme: algo1_algo2_replaynum.replay)
  • Added slider

This is again the link to it:
(replace the id with whatever id of match you want to watch)

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Fantastic, Felix, thank you for all your work on this!

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Also, AHAHAH, I have just realized there are two more things that I would love in this viewer!

  1. If when using Ctrl-Arrow to move whole turns, it centers on frame 1 of that turn instead of frame 0, this way you can quickly go to find certain kinds of attack scenarios, because info are not spawned until frame 1.

  2. Could it also display the turn frame number and not just the overall frame number? The log files don’t use the overall frame number so it isn’t as helpful when debugging!

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Thank you @acshikh

  1. I can easily do that, but I also think this should be a configurable by the settings page (that I wanted to add for so long and I still had no time for that)

  2. I can do that aswell.

There are so many things I could display additionally like rating, ms taken at current turn, all stats that units have (like different damages, ranges, encryption), some calculatables like cores_on_board. I have so many ideas an so little time.

Regarding the debugging, right now I am logging the raw replay data to the developer console in the browser. This means you can inspect the raw data of the current frame there without having to search for it.
I added it because I am also planning on updating my Turnsimulator again and I think this is very useful for debugging a Turnsimulator.


Oh that’s handy, using the console like that!

And no pressure for any timeline with my requests! (Also to save time on making a settings page, you could just throw some checkboxes in on the side).

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I added those two things. If you have a better name for it than T_FRAME meaning the frame in a turn please let me know. But it should also not be longer than T_FRAME.

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Brilliant! I love it!

I’ve actually used an extension to rewrite URL’s so I can easily get from the official view to your one! Because of how terminal transitions pages, I still have to manually refresh the page in some way to get it to trigger, but it makes it easy to use more directly!

Anyway, the only other option I can think of is to leave that label blank, so it is still under the previous heading of “FRAME”. Just an option!

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