What has C1 been up to?

Hey everyone!

I realize the C1 team has been pretty quiet on Terminal for the past few weeks, and wanted to check in with everyone and fill you in on what we have been up to and whats coming soon.

What we have been doing
Our live competitions are our main focus, so during the live competition season we put most of our effort into ensuring these were as smooth and polished as possible. We spent some time afterwards making improvements based on take-aways from the season. Two features that came from this were the in-browser IDE and the ability to see crashed games. In addition, we will soon be releasing the ability to see the error logs for crashed games.

We also spent a few weeks handling tech-debt and implementing client-facing features. We modularized and decoupled a lot of our backend logic, significantly increased test coverage, and are in the process of adding Redis caching.

Whats in the works
The main online feature that I want to get running in the near future is fully-automated competitions. It takes a significant amount of human effort to put together, manage and run our competitions as of now, and I consistently fall short on the amount of online competitions that I want to run each season. By completely automating this process, we will be able to ensure online players always have something to work towards and compete in.

In addition to this, there are always more changes in the works. As always, if you have any ideas, concerns or suggestions, we pride ourselves in making the best platform possible, so please share your thoughts on the forum


Hey everybody,

The last several months I have been extremely busy with a new job, so I have not been able to find the time and energy for Terminal. However, Christmas is going to give me quite some free time, and what better way to spend it than programming 24/7 :nerd_face:

I was a bit worried when seeing a completely empty online competitions tab, so I cannot really tell how alive the online aspect is. Could you clarify whether 31st of December is another big deadline for a semester end? Making a good Terminal algo is a big time investment and the competition is a large part of the fun. I am contemplating whether I should jump in and start another large research effort for an optimal structure.


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Well, I’m also in a similar boat! I’m also waiting until Christmas break to revamp my algo: I’m not sure (based on what C1 was saying before) that December 31st will exactly be the deadline, but I’m going to treat it as a personal deadline anyway!

I actually hope they have have an offset of 2 days or so. I don’t want celebrating new years eve to affect the result :sweat_smile:. So lets see what if @RegularRyan can spill some beans so we go at it again!