There is a UI bug I encounter when I select an algo in the ‘my algos’ tab. If I select an algo, and before the match history fully loads select another algo, the new selected algo will display the match history as normal, but then display a screen comprising of all losses.
Rather interesting is that the info shown is from the previous selected algo when executing the inputs to create the bug (ie I first selected Track-6.1, then selected Track-3.5, and Track-6.1 data is shown). Also, the ‘losses’ displayed which show the algo name (Track-6.1 in this case) are actually matches where the algo won, basically its displaying what the opponent would see on their global replay screen (ie they lost to Track-6.1). Replaying the matches seems to be unnaffected by this bug.
I also note that when and how this happens varies from try to try. Sometimes this bug doesnt occur, sometimes the all loss screen pops up for a second or so before returning to the correct screen, other times it stays at the all loss screen. I think it depends on how long you wait when executing the inputs before switching algos, but I’m not 100% sure. I also should note this only occurs when executing the above series of inputs, selecting another algo afterwards will act as normal (unless you execute the inputs again).
I don’t think this is a major bug (really just a minor UI annoyance), but I thought I would just point it out here. Do any other people experience the same thing as me?