Possible bug with targeting

Hello everyone,
I wanted to come back to terminal and tried playing around a bit in 1 on 1 matches and noticed a small inconsistency in the targeting of firewalls.

Given the following starting position
everything seems to happen according to the documentation: the three scramblers get into range of the first destructor and one of them gets attacked by that destructor…
and eventually it is destroyed after 3 attacks/frames.
because one scrambler was destroyed, the destructor attacks a new for one more turn, before the two remaining scramblers move into range of the new destructor.
Now to the actual bug:
The two scramblers move into range of the second destructor. Since they are both at the same distance, the lower health target should be attacked by both destructors, taking 2 times 16 damage and being destroyed in the process… instead, each destructor targets a different scrambler, resulting in both scramblers still living at the end of the turn (see final screenshot).

Is this a bug? Or intended (but non documented) behaviour?
(I have not been working on terminal for a while, so I’m sorry if this issue has already been addressed or I’m just not applying the rules properly)


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Welcome back!
There was a VISUAL bug in the past, where units do no die, on the frame they should.
Did you checked the actual frame logs ?

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I tried looking at the replay file but I cant quite parse it in my head. here’s a replay file with just that frame, I hope it helps
bug?.replay (35.1 KB)

Here, this is is the important part of the frame log, it looks normal to me.

And here is some info on how to read the logs: https://docs.c1games.com/json-docs.html

        {... "events":{
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Thank you for the info.
If I’m reading it correctly it looks all right too… I guess its just a visual bug then.
Should I close this thread somehow? If yes, how do I do so?

No problem,
Your finding is legit, and they should probably fix it at some point, but seems Visual bugs have low priority.

Go coding and join the weekly competition!

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Thanks for handling this Demorf.

I can confirm that this is the same visual bug we have had for a while. I’ll bump this fix up in priority.

Hey @RegularRyan
How difficult will it be to share the front-end code for the playground ?
We can definitely help with some small bugs like this, end event suggest some improvements here and there.

There are few people recreating the Playground already … so may be adding a option for Skins, Mods, Plugins down the road can be interesting.


The biggest concern for me personally with opening up the codebase more is that it could reveal potential security issues. I will open a discussion about increasing our open sourced code beyond just the starter-kit, the benefits seem apparent. Note that it will probably be some time before such a possiblity is realized.