My algos aren't playing matches

It seems like we’ve had a decent rate of new algos lately, but none of my algos have had a match since 2-28. Looking across my 6 algos, this might make sense for some, but the last two have left me scratching my head.

The first four have two “old” algos and two very highly rated algos. Assuming match making still requires both algos to be rated within 300 points of each other, I could believe that these algos just don’t have any possible matches currently available.

Hypothesis: No possible matches

Algo #108716 - Rating 2441

"createdAt": "2020-02-07 T19:45:29.615Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-27 T19:58:00.642Z"

Algo #108799 - Rating 2373

"createdAt": "2020-02-12 T03:09:26.268Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-27 T18:35:18.400Z"

Algo #109134 - Rating 2569

"createdAt": "2020-02-18 T18:36:39.151Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-27 T18:32:57.129Z"

Algo #109134 - Rating 2596

"createdAt": "2020-02-21 T17:12:14.949Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-27 T18:39:34.477Z"

But these last two both played their initial matches and then haven’t had a match since!

Algo #112892 - Rating 2414, 15 wins, 1 loss

"createdAt": "2020-02-28 T14:32:11.283Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-28 T14:34:56.803Z"

Algo #112906 - Rating 2363, 15 wins, 0 losses

"createdAt": "2020-02-28 T15:51:42.328Z"
"lastMatchmakingAttempt": "2020-02-28 T15:53:49.541Z"

@RegularRyan / @C1Junaid - any idea what’s going on here?

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Algos will not play ranked games while there are live competitions running, so that might have contributed to the issue. I’ll investigate this now.

After investigating, there does seem to be some sort of bug where no ranked matches have been run since yesterday night. Your algo has also not played a ranked match since February 28. I’ll see if I can get a hotfix out ASAP since this is a significant issue.

On February 28th, we setup a hidden test competition to test one last time on prod before our live competitions that weekend. The test competition was invisible, started earlier, and set to never expire but is otherwise identical to a live competition we ran that weekend. This triggered the logic that prevents global ranked games from being played while there is a live competition running, which is especially problematic since this test competition had no deadline.

Since this is the second time this issue has come up, I am going to add logic to ignore invisible competitions when checking if we are currently able to run global ranked games to protect against this.