
Is there any documentation about the machine our algorithms run in? Particularly, do our algorithms always run on a single core? If so, is this expected to be the case going forward?

There is an obvious place in my design to take advantage of more than one core, and while I am not even close to the turn time limit yet, I have learned that smoothly taking advantage of multiple cores in Python takes a fair bit of foresight, so it would be nice to know about this as early as possible.

I feel like it is appropriate that computing power is limited because this first of all makes algos able to be grasped, but also keeps building a strategy an element of the competition.

Also consider this: More resources needed to run a match -> Less matches being played
If I got it right, the amount of matches that are currently run is considered too slow by some and might decrease with more users (per algo).

I agree they should be limited, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be documented.

But maybe it is still a stupid question, since why would they allocate resources (more than 1 core) that are almost never going to be used.

We may be making changes to our servers based on the needs of the platform which will shift, and aren’t going to make any specific guarantees about how much resources you will have at the moment, but it shouldn’t cause any issues to players who aren’t trying to push the limits of the system.

We do want to reach a point where we can be very consistent and clear about resource availability but for now to answer your question I don’t think we plan on supporting multi threading, at least not for some time

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