For those who have been here for a while, you might remember 8’s (a user who has left us) Match of the Week posts where he would find and analyze what he considered to be top matches for that week, either by large elo (I still call the score that even though the system has changed out of habit) difference or a very close game, or just an interesting strategy.
I really enjoyed these little summaries and miss being able to see interesting games. So, in an effort to (sort of) recreate this, I have included a link on the terminal tools page that will take you to a highlighted match that I will update ~daily.
I wish I had the time to do this properly, and write up nice summaries every single week, but I just don’t have the time to watch and filter through so many matches every single day/week. Instead, to make this more of a programming project for myself and feasible, I have created a script which will look at the most recent matches played from the server and assign each replay a score. The match with the highest score is then chosen as the highlight match.
I have open sourced this project, which can be found here. However, let me be clear about the nature of the open sourced project. You will not be able to just clone and run this script. I have intentionally left out (see .gitignore) a couple of scripts (3 for automatically updating the webpage) and one script is necessary for getting the raw data of a match from the server, which I think should only be accessible for those who have looked for and found it. The primary purpose of me open sourcing this is to get feedback and thoughts/suggestions about the scoring method, which is in the Replay load_data
Currently (will be changed shortly), a replay is scored by the maximum number of units created and the difference in health at the end of the game. This pretty much will always just find games that go to 100 rounds, and I never intended to have this actually be the method; I just wanted to get the system up and working. I have some thoughts for programmatically identifying matches that would be interesting to watch, but I’m curious to see what thoughts you guys might have.
Let me know what you guys think.