How do i get all units on the board?

If i iterate over de game_map i only get the units info in strings. How can i get all the units on the bord?

Well, i keep on posting questions on this forum but i keep on figuring it out in just a few mins later. I made this function with as input the turn_state:

def get_all_units(self,line):
    state= json.loads(line)
    typedef= self.config.get("unitInformation")
    for i, unit_types in enumerate(p1units):
        for uinfo in unit_types:
            unit_type = typedef[i].get("shorthand")
            sx, sy, shp = uinfo[:3]
            x, y = map(int, [sx, sy])
            hp = float(shp)
            p1unit_info.append([unit_type, x, y, 0])
    for i, unit_types in enumerate(p2units):
        for uinfo in unit_types:
            unit_type = typedef[i].get("shorthand")
            sx, sy, shp = uinfo[:3]
            x, y = map(int, [sx, sy])
            hp = float(shp)
            p2unit_info.append([unit_type, x, y, 1])
    return p1unit_info+p2unit_info

This returns a array with information about all the units in this format: [unit typ, unit x, unit y, if this is a 0 then player 1 if this is a 1 then its player 2]. hopefully i helped some1 else bcs i just spent a whole f***** evening figuring this out xD T-T


This works well, as an alternative solution you could also store the units when the engine first runs in the __create_parsed_units function. Rather than parsing the string again, simply create a list for friendly units and enemy units in ‘’ and then add to the list when the engine creates a parsed unit. This means you don’t have to parse the information twice.


Well its great you answer your own questions here because maybe it will help people with similar issues later!