Can someone help me with this?
What would the code look like if I wanted to detect the coordinate of the breach?
I mean when some unit gets through my defences.
In gamelib/
, in the function start
you will see a variable called state
. On frames that a unit breaches on any side, state["events"]["breach"]
will contain a list of all breaches, each of the form [[x,y], damage, unit_type, unit_id, player]
So, you might write something like:
for (x,y), _, _, _, player in state["events"]["breach"]:
if player == 2:
# Enemy breached my defences at pos (x,y)
# Do stuff
Thanks for the reply but I cant seem to get it to work (sorry I am really new to python )
So I tried this:
for (4,9) player in state[“events”][“breach”]:
if player == 2:
and its invalid syntax (please ignore the indent mistakes)
can someone help me?
X and Y are the variables that are returned by the call I think. (Havent looked at states at all yet. Its on my todo list). Basically the function returns a structure where the first value is x, the second y and the last player. Did the example code work?
A thread about detecting breaches can be seen here:
Ok sorry I really just cant seem to get it to work.
What if I wanted to just display it in the console?
I have this:
but now It crashes with the error: state is not defined
How can I define state?
Where are you placing this code? If it isn’t in AlgoCore
, it won’t be recognized. Inside of AlgoCore
, you will want to place that line inside of the elif stateType == 1:
block, which has results from the action phase. If you do it in a different if block, it will be blank.
In the use:
instead of continue (under stateType == 1)
in the use:
global all_turn_states
all_turn_states =
under the def on_game_start
under that:
def on_action(self, game_state):
frame = json.loads(game_state)
all_turn_states[frame[“turnInfo”][1]][frame[“turnInfo”][2]] = frame
except Exception:
make a def for breaches and use:
if game_state.turn_number != 0:
list_breaches =
for frame in all_turn_states[game_state.turn_number -1]:
for breach in frame[“events”][“breach”]:
if breach[4] == 2:
I am certain this works
ok thanks, where should I put the last peace of code (what file)?
I have it in the
what does the all_turn_states[frame[“turnInfo”][1]][frame[“turnInfo”][2]] = frame do?
this may be a stupid question, but im not very good
From a quick look above, I believe all_turn_states
is a python list. This means frame[“turnInfo”][1]][frame[“turnInfo”][2]
returns an integer (which it does).
Thus, it may be a little bit clearer to see the code this way:
index = frame[“turnInfo”][1]][frame[“turnInfo”][2]
all_turn_states[index] = frame
where frame
is a python dictionary (frame = json.loads(game_state)
Thus, this is code to store previous game_state information in list format, hence the name all_turn_states
whta does “turninfo” return exactly?
is a python dictionary, which means it stores information using key->val format. Essentially, a dictionary has a key which returns a val. So generally you could do:
myDict = {} # create an empty python dictionary
myDict[0] = 'test' # set the key 0 to the val 'test'
myDict['key'] = 5 # set the key 'key' to the val 5
and then to get that information:
print (myDict[0])
print (myDict['key'])
which would output:
Thus, turnInfo
is a key for the dictionary frame
. It returns information about that turn as given by the game engine. You can see a lot more about how the information is formatted here. You can also try printing it out (eg print (frame['turnInfo'])
what does the if breach[4]==2 do?
is it looking for a specific condition?
breach[4] == 2
is checking the player index. when you loop through frame['events']['breach']
you are looping through every single breach, for both players. Inside breach
, specifically at index 4, the player index is recorded. So this checks to see if the owner of the breaching unit is player 2 (the other player). If it is, you record it by adding it to list_breaches
I highly recommend using this topic as a reference for the structure of this data:
the “turnInfo” quotes look kinda weird, don’t you think?
Isn’t it supposed to make the text look green?
This happens when you copy-paste the stuff above directly into your code.
Oh yeah I saw that but is everything else correct?
Also were do I call detectBreach?
i believe so did you run it in terimnal?