C++ Starter Algo

Hi everyone, a little while ago there was a fair bit of interest in a starter-algo written in C++. Given this, and my personal interest in the project, I have started working on a repository to be part of the StarterKit for C++ algos.

Now, I can’t guarantee that C1 will make it so you can compile C++ on their servers for submissions, but I asked and they didn’t tell me to go die so I take that as a good sign :).

In all seriousness, if you are interested in contributing and have experience writing C++ code just let me know.

The repository can be found here.


Hi, I would be happy to help. I don’t have some big experience with c++, but I’ve written my whole simulator in it, so I hope that would be enough experience for this.

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Nice! I’ll see if I get some time today/this week to work on this; I have ~half the gamelib ported over for my simulator. I created a community slack channel (just a private channel on the Terminal workspace). PM with a username if anyone wants to join it. I added @paprikadobi but I don’t know which Isaac is the right one.


Awesome guys! It’ll be fun to get this working :).

@paprikadobi I’m sure you’ll be fine, I’m specifically trying to make the StarterKit as simple as possible so it can be a gentle introduction for those who aren’t familiar with C++. Part of this is structuring it very similar to the Python algo so if people are coming from there it will be an easier transition (hopefully).

For anyone who starts working on it, please be aware of a couple of things:

  1. I’m being a stickler for style. Make a note of my header style as well as the naming conventions for functions, classes, etc. Make special note of the comments for functions for classes. I’d like to run Doxygen later for documentation, so you’ll need to match the same structure.
  2. The project uses CMake. If you are not familiar with it, I can explain a little bit how it works and what you’ll need to know for this project.
  3. I am loosely using the git flow project structure. Thus, nothing should be directly pushed to master or even the develop branch. If you want to add something it should be a feature branch off of develop and then submitted through a PR.

Thanks for the interest!

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