Being able to middle-click the replay global match button to open it in a new tab

yes, I know, extremely low priority. But it would be nice if the button acted as a link instead of an image in chrome. I say this because usually when you right-click a button, you can select “open link in new tab” from the menu, but in this case, it says “open image in new tab”. Just a small and trivial thing I know. But helpful if you want to go through 3 new replays and want to save 3 button clicks


I know this post is very old, but things have not changed yet and I would really appreciate having the ability to watch matches in a different tab.

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You are talking about the my algo replay list right ?

This is currently a div element styled to look as a button, it will be nice if it was an actual link element with no javascript.
Then you can ctrl+click it or middle-click as mentioned in the original post, to open the replay in new tab.

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Yes, thats exacly what I ment.

Ok, thanks for resurrecting this and providing more details, looks like it shouldn’t be that hard to fix up.

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Agreed that this would be a great change! I’d love to see it! Right now I generally click on a replay, duplicate the tab, then go back on the original page. That opens the new match without having to completely reload the main site, but it would be so much nicer to just be able to open in a new tab in the first place!

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This should be resolved with the recent update that restyles the algo replay table. Sorry it took longer than expected, we decided not to bother update the original table since this new update would cover it.

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