Auto Competitions are now live

Hey everyone,

Auto competitions are now live. After this point, uploading an algo will automatically enroll you in the current season’s ranked competitions. After the ranked competitions are complete, every week after 11:59PM on Sunday night ET, the next week’s competitions will be generated, points will be awarded and all enrolled players will be entered into the competition of their highest-tiered teammate’s tier.

Currently, points and promotions will remain hidden. The ranked competitions will not be related to cash prizing in Season 5 as it is a very significant feature and we want to make sure all the kinks are worked out before attaching prizing to it.

Season 5 will end in early May and we will run the finale similar to how we have in previous seasons. This will be discussed in a separate post later today or on Monday, in a format similar to previous Season announcements.

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Looking forward to these!

To clarify, do we need to upload a new algo to be eligible for this first week?

Also, I’m currently seeing 500 errors for both and the algo match endpoint so that may be adding to my confusion regarding joining the first ranked competition since it shows my user as:

We will have the usual control over which algo competes in each week’s competition?

Yes, you will have control over the algo that participates in the competiiton.

I see the problem, ill fix it now, should be fixed within a few hours

Make that a few minutes, we just deployed, it should be fixed within 10

Very cool, the competition UI looks slick!

Since points are hidden does this mean players will all remain in the Bronze tier this season?

For the first competition, players will remain bronze tier. As more competitions play out, more people will be promoted. After a handful of competitions, we should approach a ratio of 33% of players in each tier, but I plan to tweak those ratios in future seasons and possibly add more tiers.

Forgot to answer this: You should be able to join the bronze competition from the competitions page without uploading an algo

I am not able to join the Bronze competition and it says “You, or your highest ranked teammate are in tier” with no text following the word “tier” as if I am in some imaginary tier that doesn’t exist!

It seems to have resolved itself, because I just tried again and it all worked!

I have the same problem as @acshikh, but it hasn’t resolved itself

Now it has…

If it doesn’t work initially, it definetly should work after uploading an algo.