:blue_emp: Terminal Tools

Season One is now archived. This means that I also deleted all records from the database. The archived data is uploaded to the server and also to the forum:

season_one.json (975.9 KB)

All links that were shared before the feature for different seasons was added should automatically select Season One (it is time based). Otherwise, you will need to manually select the season. A good example for this is the link from the previous post, which will no longer work because I manually chose Current, which should now be Season One.

For future use it is important to notice that selecting any archived season will not update the data for the Current season.

It was great to see how many people seemed to perceive the tool as useful and used it :confetti_ball:

Regarding privacy, Heroku can probably look up exactly who visited the page at what time (even though I removed the app at one point to try to fix a bug :sweat_smile:). I thought about including usage metrics, but it is really not necessary and would just collect data that is not mandatory.

Looking at the metrics entries, you can see that the page was visited about a thousand times in the last month. Half of which occurred just this past week.
This works because metrics entries do not get removed to save data points, which leaderboard entries do as they might stay unchanged for a specific period of time. My estimation obviously only includes those that called the new endpoint (CRON job replacement).

Updated link for the stabilization phase, which also takes the delay of the cutoff into account. It will load a lot faster because the server does not have to reach out to the database nor to the Terminal API.

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