@RegularRyan I think I should contact you directly and not disclose details about this. I checked if I am able to remove any random algo from the list and I was successful
if you can, please restore algos with the following Ids: 121228, 121276. I am really sorry for anyone whose algo I removed
If you need to test this further I uploaded 6 old algos that I explicitly give you permission to test this on so you don’t have to go delete random people’s algo’s. Here are there id’s:
121303, 121304, 121305, 121306, 121307, 121308
If you need more I’ll upload more after you and Ryan delete them and send you their id’s.
Yup, I can confirm that all of those algos have been removed. They are gone on the MyAlgos webpage and also using the query https://terminal.c1games.com/api/game/algo/mine/config?team=false which would indicate that it is not just changing visuals, but they have truly been removed on the back-end.
I uploaded 6 new ones: 121329, 121330, 121331, 121332, 121333, 121336
I noticed you said you can download an ago, and I’d also like to test this,
The last one, 121336 has a comment labeled:
# test message:
in main.py
Let me know what the message is to confirm you were able to get it, that would be very concerning…
@Isaac I can only do that if both you and the algo belongs to the team. Please create a team (it can contain only you) and upload the algo not as your own but as the team