Currently we guarantee around 3 seconds of compute time. However, our servers give some lee-way for now until we fine-tune the exact timings. After 5 seconds you take 1 health damage for every second over 5 per turn.
This may be subject to change though. Also ranked matches and playground matches run on different server architectures so check your algo’s timings in ranked matches especially. You can check if you click the little triangle under your algo’s name during a match near “details” to see how long it took per turn.
Thank you both for your answer, those were exactly what I was looking for. @RJTK that indeed can be very useful, even if I think I should also first optimize my code and
To expand on that, it’s exactly the same in that each player gets 5 seconds, with 1 HP penalty per 1 second over (with 5.999 seconds being no penalty). The other player is not rewarded cores for timeout damage, though, which is something that has changed since the referenced thread.